5 from matlab programming output range is used as matlab cutoff to distinguish among normal and high IOP. As an example, when matlab programming pupil/iris ratio was equal to 0. 7, matlab programming resulted scaled value was high and shut to 1. This suggests that if matlab programming other facets of matlab programming same eye image also bring about matlab high value from matlab programming range , matlab programming eye status is likely to be categorized as high IOP. Tables 5 and 6 show matlab programming test phase confusion matrix for neural community NN and SVM, respectively, regarding matlab programming proposed framework. The table is divided in response to matlab programming status of eye pressure normal, high force. serviceHttpServlet. java:731at org. apache. catalina. core. ApplicationFilterChain. Spring 2012 Teacher’s Assistant in Digital Signal Processing Responsible for undertaking labs, supervising semester projects, checking quizzes. Languages: C/C++, Python, Verilog Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Tools and Techniques: Matlab, OpenCV, ITK, VTK 1 Multi Touch Table Top This project uses matlab programming Frustrated Total Internal Reflection strategy to create matlab multitouch table top. The floor is an acrylic sheet, and using IR LEDs and an IR Camera human hands are tracked and matlab programming desired actions are displayed using matlab projector. The entire task aims to replace matlab programming latest clinical approach to viewing volumetric medical imaging data CT, PET scan as flat images towards matlab light bulb. The new adventure is more herbal, interactive and immersive. 2 Medical Image Registration for Accurately Fused 3 D Projections 3 Segmentation of Brain in PET images using Fuzzy Clustering 4 Implementation of Turbo Codes Bachelor of Electronics Engineering NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science A’ Levels 3 A’s Edwardes College / Peshawar O’ Levels 2 A’s and 6 B’s Beaconhouse School System / Peshawar C/C++, Assembly, Python Linux, Windows MFC, WPF, PyMT, Proteus, LiveWire, PSPice, Verilog HDL, AutoCAD, PCB Wizard, Matlab FPGA Participation in National Engineering Robotics Competition NERC at NUST 2011 Attended One day workshop on Introduction to WiMAX PROFESSIONAL and PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Attended Youth Leadership program Toastmasters International at NUST to develop advantageous conversation and leadership skills Final Year Project: Multi touch Interactive Table Top Design and advancement of matlab programming table with matlab high contrast projector, IR camera and LEDs matlab system having multi touch capabilities, and gesture cognizance matlab complete bio medical imaging application for matlab programming analysis and processing of radiological data Application using Google maps for matlab programming militia strategically planning Power Electronics: Study and Implementation of matlab household AC Uninterrupted Power Supply Embedded System Design: Automated annual prayer timings for any particular vicinity Control Systems: Robot able to line tracking, color sensing and object putting Microprocessor: Temperature controlled fan Digital System Design: Automatic pill kit system 2008 NUST BEE 343 Winner of matlab programming National Engineering Robotics Competition NERC 2011 Merit Scholarships in 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th Semester Organizer at ‘ NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 23117 Hashim Mufti House 419 matlab Block D satellite tv for pc town Rawalpindi Phone Number: Hassan Ali 74 D 1, Johar Town, Lahore, Phone Number: , NUST BEEE 344 Organized and headed 2nd all P matlab k i s t matlab n d e c l matlab m matlab t i o n contention at NUST SEECS in Executive member of matlab programming NUST literary society for 2 years .